Dear Fellow Throws Enthusiast:

It was great seeing many of you at the ITCCCA clinic this past weekend. Catching up with old friends and making new ones is one of the things I most enjoy about the clinic. I thought former Illinois state champion and now BIG 10 Throws Coach from Nebraska Scott Cappos did a great job sharing his coaching knowledge with all of us. Also, giving some great insight into many aspects of the throws was Dane Miller from Throws University and Garage Strength. If you haven’t yet filled out an evaluation of their presentations could you please do so now at the link below. Both the presenters & ITCCCA find these evaluations very helpful.

Evaluation Links:

Check out Coach Scott Cappos’ Throwers on Instagram @Cornthrowers they post some great videos of the Nebraska throwers. Also listed below is a direct link to all the PowerPoints on the talks that Coach Cappos gave.

You also need to check out the website that Coach Dane Miller has put together. He has some great resources on the page. Included, are links you can follow Throws University & Garage Strength on Instagram and Twitter from this page. The link to his page is:

PowerPoints on the talks that Coach Miller gave.


Clinic opportunities for Athletes & Coaches:

A-Z Learn By Doing Throws Clinic is on Sunday, January 26th 2020 @ Wheaton North H.S. in Wheaton, Illinois:

If you haven’t been to the A-Z Throws clinic you don’t know what you’re missing. This clinic has been running for over 15 years. Multiple state medalist have attended this clinic over the years. The great thing about this clinic is the excellent coach to athlete ratio. On average there is one coach to every 5 athletes. The throws coaches who volunteer to work this clinic are some of the best in the state of Illinois. Your athletes and you will experience some major hands on coaching. The cost of the clinic is $65 for advance registration and $75 at the door. Register at:

National Throws Coaches Association Throw & Learn Camp, February 16th @ Burlington Central H.S. in Burlington, Illinois :

This camp will be like no other you have attended! It will be tailored more to what individual throwers and coaches need in order to help make them successful. This camp will use video to help analyze what is needed to improve your throw. The athletes at this clinic will be throwing shots and discus’. The clinic will be directed by Coach Jim Aikens (Fremd HS & Burlington Central HS.) and Coach Scott Bennett who has been coaching the field events for over 40 years. He has coached five Olympians (1 gold medalist), National Champions, Olympic Trial Winners, NCAA Champions and many more. He has coached on the Division 1 and Division 3 levels as well as the high school level. He has developed a great system for teaching & correcting throwing technique. The cost of he clinic is $70 for advance registration & $80 day of if spots are available. Link to flyer and registration directions:

University of Wisconsin 1 day Throws Camps:

There is a great opportunity for throwers in the Northern portion of Illinois. U of W Madison is offering a series of 1 day throws camps. I have heard nothing but good things about these camps. Coach Astrauskas and his staff do a great job working with the athletes. For details and registration go to:

Bureau Valley Coaches Clinic:

This is a great clinic that Dale Donner has built. Unfortunately, Dale is retiring and this is the final clinic. I am honored to be speaking on the shot put & discus at this clinic. If you are interested here is the information link:

Throws Coaches Paid Job Oppenings:

South Elgin H.S.:

The South Elgin Boys Track and Field Team is looking for an Assistant Coach with experience in Throws, with a team focus in strength and conditioning. Stipend is available based on experience. Please contact Head Coach Anthony LaRue anthonylarue@u-46.orgor (630) 253-4941 for any interest or questions.

Illinois Institute of Technology:

– Attend 2-3 practices per week to work with 3-5 throwers
– Attend all meets (7-8 indoors/outdoors)
– Handle recruiting with prospective student-athletes interested in Track & Field and the throwing events
This is a PAID position! If interested, please email Head Coach Tyler McQuality at

Mather H.S.:

Mather High School in Chicago is seeking assistant track coaches for the 2020 season. The team is in need of coaches in the areas of sprints, jumps and throws. However candidates interested in distance are also welcome.
The Mather team is co-ed. These are paid positions. Coach would have the opportunity to have a significant positive impact on the lives of student athletes!
If interested please email Co-Head Coaches Makenzie Carr ( and Joe Sullivan (

Saint Francis H.S. Wheaton, IL:

Saint Francis College Prep H.S. is looking for a throws coach. This coach would be coaching both boys and girls. If you are interested contact Head Coach Mike Prizy at


Dan McQuaid from Wheaton North H.S. has finished his third article on the throws from the World Championships in Doha. It is a great read! Check it out at.

Dan has been publishing throwing articles for over 20 years.  He was a contributing author to The Long & Strong Throwers Journal for many years.  Several issues are published on the website.  When that publication stopped, he started this blog and has been going strong ever since.  You can read all his articles on  You can also enroll at this website to get automatic updates when articles are published.

Finally, (Man this is a long newsletter) for those of you who have received this newsletter in the past you already have received the link to these resources.

Great Resource for Throws Coaches: Some of you may remember back at the ITCCCA clinic in 2016 I created a google share drive folder called “ITCCCA Sharing Session 2016”. This folder has materials that were shared by many throws coaches in Illinois. If you haven’t checked this out I highly suggest you do. You will not be disappointed: I have changed the settings so that anyone with a link can view the material.

Link to Google Drive Folder:


PS. If there is any news you would like to publicize let me know. I will get it out on the next newsletter.

Also, if I can help you with questions or resources please feel free to email me at

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