Hello Throws Enthusiast,
This is Jim Aikens with some “Throws News You Can Use”. I hope all of you have had an enjoyable fall so far. That Men’s Shot Put competition in Doha was amazing. The top three throwers all throwing over 75’ WOW! Here is a clip from You Tube of some of the best throws in case you haven’t seen them yet. https://youtu.be/32pgvYrU5HM
Some Great Resources:
IThrow.com: https://ithrow.com This website has a lot of resources that coaches can use. This site has the “All Time” top Throws performance list for Illinois, All The “Long & Strong Throws Magazine” issues, Current and past “Throws News you can Use” issues, Job postings and more.
Mac Throws: If you haven’t had the chance to look at it yet you need to check out Mac Throws. https://www.macthrowvideo.com There are some great videos of different throws competitions around the world.
Mcthrows.com: You should check out the various interviews and articles that are written by Illinois’ own Dan McQuaid. Dan has a great website “The Wonderful World of Throwing”. https://mcthrows.com Dan does a great job writing about the various competitions and has many interviews with today’s throwers & coaches. There are also some great coaching webinars available on this site.
Throw Big Throw Far Podcast: If you are into podcast you need to check out the Madison Throws “Throw Big Throw Far Podcast” https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/throw-big-throw-far-podcast/id1449291795 Joe Frontier from Madison Throws has some amazing interviews that he has recorded for this great podcast series.
Some Great Clinics that are coming this year:
Ryan Whiting’s Learn By Doing throws camp is on December 14th & 15th 2019:
Burlington Central High School is hosting Former World & National Champion Ryan Whiting and National Indoor Champion Chase Ealey and the rest of the Throws Lab staff will be there as well. This is for athlete and coaches. I suggest you sign up sooner rather than later since there are a limited number of spots. The link to the registration site is below. Saturday 12/14 is discus and Sunday 12/15 is shot put.
This year’s ITCCCA Track Coaches clinic is January 10th & 11th 2020:
This clinic is a must for throws coaches: This year speaking at the clinic is
Dane Miller from Garage Strength & Throws University he will be presenting at multiple sessions. Check out Dane’s bio: https://www.garagestrength.com/pages/coaches
Scott Cappos Built a successful throws program at Iowa and now is building a dynasty at Nebraska he will also be presenting at multiple sessions. Check out Scott’s bio: https://huskers.com/staff.aspx?staff=38
This year’s A-Z Learn By Doing Throws Clinic is on Sunday, January 26th 2020:
If you haven’t been to the A-Z Throws clinic you don’t know what your missing. This clinic has been running for over 15 years. Multiple state medalist have attended this clinic over the years. The great thing about this clinic is the excellent coach to athlete ratio. On average there is one coach to every 5 athletes. The throws coaches who volunteer to work this clinic are some of the best in the state of Illinois. Your athletes and you will experience some major hands on coaching. (Sign up sheet will be available soon)
1st Annual Burlington Central Throws Camp Sunday, February 16th 2020:
This camp will be tailored more to what individual throwers and coaches need in order to help make them successful. This camp will use video to help analyze what is needed to improve your throw and you will be shown the drills to help you to improve in that area. The clinic will be directed by Coach Jim Aikens (Fremd HS & Burlington Central HS.) and Coach Scott Bennett who has been coaching the field events for over 40 years. He has coached five Olympians (1 gold medalist), National Champions, Olympic Trial Winners, NCAA Champions and many more. He has coached on the Division 1 and Division 3 levels as well as the high school level. He has developed a great system for teaching & correcting throwing technique. (Sign up sheet will be available soon)
I hope you found this Information helpful. Please tell other throws coaches you know about this newsletter and have them contact me to get them on the list. You can contact me at Jimaikens@hotmail.com
Thank You for your time.
Jim Aikens
Burlington Central HS. Throws Coach