Hello Again Fellow Throws Enthusiast,
It won’t be long until the season starts and shots & discus’ will be flying. The ITCCCA Clinic is just around the corner and there is a great line up! I always enjoy the ITCCCA Clinic. It signals the official start of a new season. I also really enjoy seeing all you guys and having a beverage or two Friday night. Below are the throws camps that you may want to attend and encourage your throwers to attend. Also, Dan McQuaid has written another great Throws Article.
This year’s ITCCCA Track Coaches clinic is January 10th & 11th 2020 @ The Westin Hotel in Lombard, Illinois: The clinic will be here soon: http://itccca.com/january-clinic/
This clinic is a must for throws coaches: This year speaking at the clinic is
Dane Miller from Garage Strength & Throws University he will be presenting at multiple sessions. Check out Dane’s bio: https://www.garagestrength.com/pages/coaches
Scott Cappos Built a successful throws program at Iowa and now is building a dynasty at Nebraska he will also be presenting at multiple sessions. Check out Scott’s bio: https://huskers.com/staff.aspx?staff=38 Also speaking this year is former national throws coach Rob Lasorsa: Rob Lasorsa’s Bio
A-Z Learn By Doing Throws Clinic is on Sunday, January 26th 2020 @ Wheaton North H.S. in Wheaton, Illinois:
If you haven’t been to the A-Z Throws clinic you don’t know what you’re missing. This clinic has been running for over 15 years. Multiple state medalist have attended this clinic over the years. The great thing about this clinic is the excellent coach to athlete ratio. On average there is one coach to every 5 athletes. The throws coaches who volunteer to work this clinic are some of the best in the state of Illinois. Your athletes and you will experience some major hands on coaching. The cost of the clinic is $65 for advance registration and $75 at the door. Register at: https://forms.gle/jr8gUG41DU6PZaCp9
National Throws Coaches Association Throw & Learn Camp, February 16th @ Burlington Central H.S. in Burlington, Illinois : (See attached Flyer)
This camp will be like no other you have attended! It will be tailored more to what individual throwers and coaches need in order to help make them successful. This camp will use video to help analyze what is needed to improve your throw. The athletes at this clinic will be throwing shots and discus’. The clinic will be directed by Coach Jim Aikens (Fremd HS & Burlington Central HS.) and Coach Scott Bennett who has been coaching the field events for over 40 years. He has coached five Olympians (1 gold medalist), National Champions, Olympic Trial Winners, NCAA Champions and many more. He has coached on the Division 1 and Division 3 levels as well as the high school level. He has developed a great system for teaching & correcting throwing technique. The cost of he clinic is $70 for advance registration & $80 day of if spots are available.
University of Wisconsin 1 day Throws Camps: There is a great opportunity for throwers in the Northern portion of Illinois. U of W Madison is offering a series of 1 day throws camps. I have heard nothing but good things about these camps. Coach Astrauskas and his staff do a great job working with the athletes. For details and registration go to: http://www.uwcamps.com/sport.aspx?id=29
Lake Zurich High School: Lake Zurich High School is looking for a boys throws coach for the upcoming season. Please contact head coach Randal Dunbar at Randal.dunbar@lz95.org if you are interested.
Dan McQuaid has written EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED…BUT IT SURE HELPS. PART 2 OF OUR LOOK BACK AT DOHA It is another great article by Dan. You definitely want to read it if you haven’t already.
Joe Frontier from Madison Throws has put together a nice compilation of discus throwers. He has collected 16 of the best discus throwers. This is great for visualization and film study. Check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsZKD9AYO71ar8dhZxERF7IW3bNPA_2xQ&app=desktop
I hope all of you get at least one thing from this email. Again, if you know of anyone who might want to start getting these emails but isn’t have them send me their email and I will put them on the list.
Happy Holidays!
Jim Aikens
Throws Enthusiast!